
我们致力于保护您的隐私. 我们在大学内的授权员工, 在需要知道的基础上, 仅使用从个人客户收集的任何信息. We constantly review our 系统 and data to ensure the best possible service to our customers.


您可以查看, 复制, 打印, and use content contained on the Warner Pacific website solely for your own personal use and provided that:

  1. The content available from this website is used for informational and non-commercial purposes only. 版权所有.
  2. No text, graphics, or other content available from this website are modified in any way.
  3. 出现在网站上的一些图形是由第三方版权所有者拥有的, 在这种情况下, 如需转载,必须直接获得本刊所有者许可.
  4. 本网站的资料可能会更改. 虽然我们试图保持信息准确和最新, you assume the risk that the information and materials on this website could be incomplete, 不准确的, 过时的, 或者可能不符合您的需要和要求.

The use of Warner Pacific’s logo, marks, or images is maintained by our Marketing Department.

The information on this website is descriptive only and is not to be construed as a legal contract.

外围博彩平台本网站提供的任何信息, neither Warner Pacific nor its employees assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, 完整性, 或者任何信息的有用性, 装置, 产品, or 过程 disclosed or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

此处提及任何特定产品, 过程, 出版, 或服务不一定构成或暗示其认可, 建议, 或是外围博彩平台公司的青睐. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of Warner Pacific.



在我们的网站上订购或注册时, 适当的, 您可能会被要求输入您的姓名, 电子邮件地址, 邮寄地址, 或电话号码. 但是,您可以匿名访问我们的网站.



  • 个性化你的体验
  • 改善我们的网站
    (we continually strive to improve our website offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from you)
  • 改善客户服务
    (your information helps us to more effectively respond to your customer service requests and support needs)
  • 管理竞赛、促销、调查或其他网站功能
  • 定期发送电子邮件

The email address you provide for order 过程ing may be used to send you information and 更新 pertaining to your order, 除了偶尔收到公司的消息, 更新, 相关产品, 或服务信息, 等.

我们不卖, 分享, or rent your personal information to any third party or use your 电子邮件地址 for unsolicited mail. Any emails sent by us will only be in connection with the provision of agreed services and 产品s.


饼干 are used to track and understand visitor inter行动s with the website to provide better functionality and improve service. 饼干 are text files placed on your computer’s browser to collect non-personally identifiable information such as computer IP address, 页面浏览, 访问日期和时间, 浏览器类型, 计算机操作系统, 连接速度, 以及用于进入或离开网站的链接. 大多数浏览器最初都设置为接受cookie. 您可以设置浏览器在收到cookie时通知您, 给你一个决定是否接受的机会.


Copyright and other relevant intellectual property rights exist on all text relating to your services and the full content of this website. 我们的标志是注册商标. 本网站上的品牌名称和特定服务均已注册商标.


对于不同的查询,我们有几个不同的电子邮件地址. 这些和其他联系信息可以在我们网站上的联系链接上找到.


第三方供应商, 包括谷歌, may use information submitted by users and cookies to serve ads on the internet based on a user’s prior visit(s) to our website. Users may opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page.


外围博彩平台是本网站收集的信息的唯一所有者. 我们不卖, 分享, or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement. 资料可能会被收集作入学申请押金, 网上入学申请, 地址更新, 书店订单, 礼物, 局部调查, 以及其他被认为与大学及其支持者相关的用途.


Photos or video taken at our events or campus visits may be used in 出版s such as brochures, 时事通讯, 和杂志, 或者视频演示. 此类照片或视频也可用于电子在线出版物, 我们的网站, 电子邮件, 社交网站,如Facebook, Instagram, 或推特, 或其他电子形式的媒体. 如果您的照片,并希望我们停止使用的照片,请外围博彩平台.


Warner Pacific uses PCI-compliant-third-party services to 过程 trans行动s for a variety of purposes, 包括但不限于, 投递书店订单, 暂存和托管用于入学的在线表格, 在线捐赠, 并登记参加外围博彩平台主办或附属的活动. 作为使用这些服务的一部分,可能会收集个人身份信息.


Information submitted on this website is maintained on a private secure server and handled in a confidential manner.


我们的网站包含到其他网站的链接. Warner Pacific does not 分享 your personal information with those websites and is not responsible for their privacy practices. 与这些组织核实他们的隐私政策.

We urge you to protect your personal data whenever you are on the Internet: change your passwords often, 使用字母和数字的组合,并确保使用安全的浏览器.


本网站的信息是按“现状”提供的. 在法律允许的最大范围内, we exclude all representations and warranties relating to this website and its contents or which is or may be provided by any affiliates or any other third party, including in relation to any inaccuracies or omissions in this website and/or the University’s literature; and excludes all liability for damages arising out of or in connection with your use of this website. 这包括, 但不限于, 直接损失, 业务或利润的损失(不论该等利润的损失是否可预见), arose in the normal course of things or you have advised the University of the possibility of such potential loss), 对您的计算机造成的损坏, 计算机软件, 系统, 程序及其上的数据或任何其他直接或间接的, 重要的, 附带损害赔偿.

上述排除和限制仅在法律允许的范围内适用. 你作为消费者的法定权利不会受到影响.

本隐私政策可随时更改. 请定期查阅本政策.


The design logos offered herein (“Logo” or “Logos”) are the exclusive property of 外围博彩平台. 本用法中的徽标包括与下列事项有关的所有图形、文字标记和商标:

  • 外围博彩平台
  • 骑士体育
  • sourceU

像这样, 外围博彩平台拥有全部所有权, title, 以及对道的兴趣, 包括但不限于, 版权, 商标, 服务标志, 商业外观, 道德上的权利, 美术作品受任何法律保护的权利, 和其他方面, 是适用的. 作为外围博彩平台的合作伙伴(“您”或“您的”), You acknowledge that the Logos are being provided merely as a convenience and accommodation to You on an “AS IS” basis without warranty of any kind.


  • 不要主张任何所有权, 任何徽标的所有权或其他权利或挑战, 比赛, 或采取与我们对徽标的独家所有权不一致的任何其他行动, 不论您对任何徽标的任何用途;
  • 不要在任何州寻求任何形式的注册, 联邦或外国管辖权, 任何商标, 服务标志, 商业外观, logo or other commercial designation that includes any Logo or any colorable imitation or derivative thereof;
  • 不要追求任何要求, 行动, 或者起诉外围博彩平台, 基于您使用的任何徽标的合作伙伴或供应商;
  • Indemnify and defend 外围博彩平台 and its partners from and against any claim, 成本, 或任何形式的责任, 包括版权和商标侵权, 因您使用任何徽标而产生的.

使用照片的条件 & 视频:

Each use should be accompanied by the following credit line: “Courtesy of 外围博彩平台.”

  • No permission is granted to use these images or a 复制 thereof for further distribution or commercial use without the express written consent of 外围博彩平台.
  • 不允许使用外围博彩平台的商标, 骑士体育, sourceU, 其子公司或附属公司, apart from the incidental appearance of the same in the photographic images provided by 外围博彩平台.
  • 使用这些材料的许可是在没有任何担保的情况下授予的, 明示或暗示, 包括但不限于 the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
  • 外围博彩平台 reserves the right to withdraw permission to use and reproduce its 复制-written material whenever, 自行决定, it believes that the privilege is being used in a way that is detrimental to its interests or the above conditions are not being met.